Wednesday, September 19, 2007

week 11 readings

This weeks reading is Chapters 6 – Research and Evaluation in Public relations: theory and practice / edited by Jane Johnston and Clara Zawawi. Crows Nest, N.S.W. Allen & Unwin, 2004. 2nd ed

The key points to remember from the reading are:
• Research is an essential task within public relations, used to identify the requirement for a communication program, to assist in establishing that program, to check progress and to evaluate the effectiveness.

There are many forms of research
• Exploratory
• Secondary
• Primary
• Development

Input research indicates what problems or opportunities actually exist, what the perceptions and beliefs of the public are, and what tools or methods of communication would be most effective in helping the organization achieve its objectives with those publics.

Output research gathers information on the appropriateness of the message and activity content, and the quality of message and activity presentations.

The basic standards for ethical considerations:
• Give full disclosure of the research procedure
• Results are accurately reported and distributed freely and widely
• Keep respondent information confidential as promised
• Do not promise clients and sponsors that cannot be delivered

This weeks readings made me think about public relations in that it showed how great a part research is in the public relations profession and has made me consider choosing perhaps some marketing subjects and others that teach research tools in order to improve my skills.


***LISS*** said...

Hey Monique,
A really well done blog yet again. I like how you provided a clear definition of the positive use of research in a campaign, it helps readers understand the subject of your blog. I didn't mention the forms of research in mine (explatory, secondary, primary, development) and I'm beginning to think that I should of because they are really important components for the understanding of pr research. Contrastingly, like you I saw that input and output research were extremely important ideas to consider and felt that they should be given special mention to because it is these components that help practitioners grow (through understanding their mistakes and effective tactics in the developmental and implemental stages of a campaign). I like how you provided a brief outline of the ethical considerations that need to be recognised in implementing a strategy because I think that all practitioners should recognise these to be effective and legal in their work. I have similar understandings drawn from this chapter, basing around the ultimate fact that public relations is a "...great the public relations profession..." I too have thought about basing my university course around marketing subjects as well. I thought that you did a really good job in this blog! It is especially effective because it is brief and provides an outline for appropriate pr work in connection with evaluation and research. Thankyou, Alyssa

cmns1290-Luke Bryan said...

Dear Monique,
I thought I should pay you one last visit before our blogging ceases.
Your opening point, in my opinion, sums up this weeks readings -- I learnt the importance of research is not only in the planning phase but right throughout the campaign as well as in the evaluation stage. I found Baskin and Aronoff's quote very enlightening regarding evaluation: "Evaluation is often recognised as the beginning of a new effort, not just the completion of a previous activity".
Much like yourself, I am looking into taking some marketing subjects next year which I feel will be a great help when taking the PR major. I'm glad to hear that I'll know someone in the course!
Kind Regards, Luke B

Mel said...

Monique, I really liked your blog from this week. You have a great way of clearly expressing your points, making your blog easy to understand.

Also, it was great how you listed the forms of research, as they were one of the key concepts of the reading.

Your definitions of input and output research were clear and accurate. When I myself read the reading I didn't pay to much attention to the characteristics of these types of research, so thank you for highlight their importance to me.

Like yourself, I too found in this weeks reading that pruning and improving my own research skills was vital to becoming a successful public relations practitioner.

Well done.

Thomas Pryszcz said...

Great blog.
I think you clearly summarized the main aspects.
Like you, I thinkk the input and output research is very important. I think that also the outcoe research is extremly relevant in PR practice. The informations can be used in the input phase of the next planing cycle and therefore in the next campaign. You can also avoid to make the same mistakes again.
This reading could also be big help for our major assignment.

Well done !