Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Reading for week 7

I believe the key points to remember from this weeks readings are:
  • The use of the media as a public relations tool and its impact and power should never be underestimated, it incorporates both technical aspects in writing media releases and compiling media kits.
  • Media relations calls on the key attributes of writing, organisation and planning, as well as keen interpersonal skills and up-to-the-minute knowledge of news and current events.
  • Convergence in media platforms means they can reach wider and more varied audiences with the same message
  • the relationship between the media and public relations is two-way each relies upon one another for information in terms of PR this is known as media monitoring.
  • News values include:
  1. Impact
  2. Conflict
  3. Timeliness
  4. Proximity
  5. Prominence
  6. Currency
  7. Human interest
  8. Unusual
  9. Money
  • The importance of knowing all work related details such as the newsroom hierarchy, the media style of the organisation, the target audience for the organisation etc
  • Different writing styles and formats were also examined in this text including media releases, feature articles, profiles, fact sheets etc.
  • Media conferences are held to allow for a wide dissemination of a story, to give all media access to the news at once and to allow journalists to ask follow-up questions
This weeks reading made me reflect upon public relations and the strong relationship between it and the media until reading this weeks texts i didn't place as much value on media relations in supporting PR as i should have! The two are intertwined and feed of one another in order for one to be successful you need the other. I found the text by Johnston and Zawawi to be extremely valuable in that it gave a detailed account of media conferences including all considerations such as set-up, who to invite, how to invite when and where they should be held. it gave a great basic framework that I am sure to use as a guide my future work.


Anonymous said...

Hey Monique,
I totally agree that working in public relations and the media is a two way relationship. I found that the media can be an extremely useful tool for PR practitioners for the purpose of obtaining publciity for thier clients.
Also, yeah I noted too the importance of understanding the role of journalists, and the point on news values and media tools.
Good job

Erin Salmon said...

I thought your point about the Johnston text book being a great guide or framework to base future work upon was great.
I also thought this as there are so many considerations such as details, policy, regulations, etc etc to remember. By ensuring that each consideration is adaquetly explored,a positive working relationships between media outlets can be attained and a professional image retained.
Great blogging!!

CMNS1290JessicaCapper said...

I think you have made some really significant points here Monique. I particuarly appreciated your recognition of the news values, impact, conflict, timeliness, proximity, prominence, human interest, unusual, money as it was something i did not personally focus on, yet appreciated the insight gained from your understanding. I similarly agree with your comment regarding the intertwined nature of both PR and media relations, one truly cannot survive without the other.
You clearly have a firm understanding of the subject matter of this weeks readings
Good work, keep it up!

Bree Bowles said...

Hi Monique,

A very interesting and well articulated blog. I agree with your ideas surrounding media as a useful tool when it comes to public relations.

The idea you presented about the "two way symmetric" model was also interesting, and I also put this in my blog. I believe, as you said, it is essential for the public relation practitioner to provide information to the media organisation they are dealing with, and the media need to supply information in return. This will ultimately lead to a greater success.

Well done, a fantastic blog!
